Welcome to Saltadere.org
A website discussing the ongoing projects in Saltadere, Haiti sponsored by friends in the Charlottesville, Virginia area and members of St. Thomas Aquinas Church and Holy Comforter Church
Our Project
In the 1990’s the diocese of Richmond began working with the diocese of Hinche in Haiti to establish one on one relationships between parishes in each diocese. St. Michel’s Parish in the village of Saltadère, Haiti, is twinned with St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and Holy Comforter Parish in Charlottesville, Virginia. Representatives of the two parishes have visited Saltadère several times in the last few years, most recently in April, 2011. Many of the trips have included medical personnel to provide much-needed aid to the people of Saltadère and the surrounding countryside.
we are working with the members of Saltadère to provide clean drinking
water to the region, as well as irrigation water. We are beginning with irrigation
to St. Michel's School garden, from which the students receive their daily
meals, and will ideally continue with irrigation and drinking water to all
of Saltadère.
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