Children were screened for Vision with Snellen eye charts and for color
blindness, and for Hearing with Audiometry at St. Michel School. Adults
were screened at the Clinic on the rectory grounds.
Screened for hearing and vision: 286 children.
Children with hearing deficit: 1
Children requiring eyeglasses: 1
Adults screened for hearing: 21
Adults screened for vision: 63 plus one child
Adult prescription eyeglasses refracted with Welch Allyn Refractometer and glasses dispensed: 50
500 pair sunglasses (not prescription) were given to older school children and adults.
Thank you for assistance on this trip:
Matthew Harpin, O.D.
Kathy Clark-Gelburd, O.D.
Greg Gelburd, M.D.
Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center of Northern Virginia, Inc.
Al King of Bioacoustics Instruments, Inc.
Mani Aguilar, Au.D, UVA Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic
Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for support for our translators.
Thank you to the St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish for prayers and support.